Matthew's Big Blog of Adventure!

Sunday, May 22


Today marked the end of an important period in my family's collective life. My little sister Charlotte graduated from highschool. Thus ends our 12th year of homeschooling. I suppose you're never really finished homeschooling -- it's really a way of life, I suppose. Even though I'm a senior in college, I still consider myself a homeschooler. Homeschooling left me with a life-long passion and hunger for learning. It's something no ceremony could make me part with, and I know the same is true for Charlotte.

Meanwhile, Mom has now finished homeschooling her third and final child. It sounds like she's still dead set on a cruise in the bahamas now that it's over. ;)

We got to visit another family this afternoon whose homeschooler is graduated today. It was really great catching up! I even got the opportunity to help him fix his wireless Internet problem. :)

Map to my house, courtesy satellite photos from Google MapsAll that's left is an open house reception tomorrow afternoon -- so if you're in the area, drop by! ;) We decorated tonight for the party and then all watched the first half of a movie together. (It's late so we'll save the rest of it for some other time.)

Oh, One more thing! Thanks to Sehrgut's helpful comment, I hope that my image hosting problem has been permanently resolved. I was only able to salvage photos up through the Wyoming trip last summer though, so no more adorable kitty photos of Gracie and Cleo. ;)

Well, "The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten;" I must retire now. I got many many photos from the ceremony today, so I hope to have some up tomorrow or perhaps Monday for you farflung folk. 'Night!


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