Done with Interterm!
Business Communications is now behind me! I haven't gotten
my final grade yet, but I'm praying for the best. It was probably
one of the most practical classes I've taken yet, and I have
a nice thick reference notebook I made during class from our
assignments, notes, and syllabus that will come in handy
whenever I have to write something. :)
People are beginning to trickle in here at school now. There
were actually a couple sections filled up in the balcony this
morning in church where before we were stuggling to occupy
the lower level. Getting back into this whole singing thing after
the Christmas break feels a bit weird, but it's fun. :) Crista,
Joy, and James should arrive Monday after a whole
weekend of having fun without me back in Augusta. *pout*
In the meantime, we have a nice little break that we can
use to sleep... er... prepare for the start of the semester in a
couple days. Personally, I've been trying to get Windows XP
installed on an extra hard drive which IT claims is corrupt.
Maybe I'll just install FreeBSD instead. ;)
My friend Laura lent me some of her violin music so I could
play with the accompaniment. I haven't done any accompaniment
yet, but I know I will have at least a year required starting
next fall. My sight reading is really bad, so I'm hoping that it
will start to improve with lots and lots of practice. Maybe
I'll even get to play for some of the Chamber ensembles!
See ya!
my final grade yet, but I'm praying for the best. It was probably
one of the most practical classes I've taken yet, and I have
a nice thick reference notebook I made during class from our
assignments, notes, and syllabus that will come in handy
whenever I have to write something. :)
People are beginning to trickle in here at school now. There
were actually a couple sections filled up in the balcony this
morning in church where before we were stuggling to occupy
the lower level. Getting back into this whole singing thing after
the Christmas break feels a bit weird, but it's fun. :) Crista,
Joy, and James should arrive Monday after a whole
weekend of having fun without me back in Augusta. *pout*
In the meantime, we have a nice little break that we can
use to sleep... er... prepare for the start of the semester in a
couple days. Personally, I've been trying to get Windows XP
installed on an extra hard drive which IT claims is corrupt.
Maybe I'll just install FreeBSD instead. ;)
My friend Laura lent me some of her violin music so I could
play with the accompaniment. I haven't done any accompaniment
yet, but I know I will have at least a year required starting
next fall. My sight reading is really bad, so I'm hoping that it
will start to improve with lots and lots of practice. Maybe
I'll even get to play for some of the Chamber ensembles!
See ya!
Ok, so I totally didn't realize that you were still updating this thing... *moves the bookmark up on his favorites list* In response to your earlier post, I am now reading, so feel free to update @ school. :-D Hope life's treatin' 'ya well... We need to get together to hang out sometime... (though I'm getting married this summer, so I dunno when I'll have time!) Anywho, I shall catch 'ya later!
Nelson 8-)
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM
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