Matthew's Big Blog of Adventure!

Wednesday, August 18

Back and Bumming

Hey again!

Well, Crista and I arrived safely home again. We flew out of Rock Springs, WY about 6:45am MT, and after a short layover in Denver, we arrived in Atlanta around 2:20pm ET. The carpet guys came today and installed the new carpet in the living room and dining room. The reason for the new carpet and paint jobs in some of the rooms is earlier this year during the spring semester, a large storm came through and knocked several branches off our drought-stressed trees. I think there were a total of 5 or 6 limbs sticking through the roof after that one. The roofers were able to replace it in only one day, but this whole INterior process has proved much more of an ordeal.

Anyhoo... I've gotten to fix some problems with some friends' computers, and have tried to get most of the items that I need for school. I still have three weeks, but it'd be nice to relax for a change just before leaving. ;D

I was talking to John -- who is already in Pensacola for his second degree with the University of Florida, I believe -- the other night, and he was able to give me the formulas for regressions. I've been looking all OVER the 'net for them, so I'm really thrilled! So far, the analysis tool I've written handles linear and logarithmic regressions flawlessly. I still have to work out the bugs on the exponential and power regressions... for some reason, the A value doesn't want to come out right, even though it's the same basic formula the logarithmic function is using. *sigh* Oh well. Anyway, so far it's just a command prompt program with different argument switches, but I'm planning on adapting it into a module which will perform each type of regression by default and automatically compare the R^2 values in order to find the best fit to the data points.

Last night, I completely rearranged my room. The computer is set up, but I haven't booted it yet, meaning that all of this has been done on my Mom's computer with a free C++ compiler I downloaded called lcc. It's actually quite nice and light-weight, but I think she'll be happy to have her computer back soon. :)

The piano spent most of the day in the kitchen with all of the other furniture, so I wasn't able to practice as much as I would have liked. I got a little done last night, but I suppose I really should start again in earnest in preparation for the semester. I need to find some time to get down to Power's Pianos and rifle through their sheet music collection. Mom has already promised me the use of her ragtime book this semester, and I want to borrow some of her men's quartet and singing group folios as well in hopes of getting something going in my collegian.

Got the prescription for my contacts/glasses today too. Hopefully, I'll get new contacts in a couple days. The doctor there gave me a set of Acuvue 2's to wear, so now I have two sets to last me.

Well that's all the news I can think about now. I should go to bed now.


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