Matthew's Big Blog of Adventure!

Saturday, June 3

Internship in Utah

Hey gang!

The view from my living room windowI'm back! Now that I have Internet access in my dorm, I can continue updating my journal and uploading photos so you can all see what I'm up to this summer. :)

This summer, I get to work in the Computer Science department of Utah State University in Logan. For the first three weeks or so, we'll have classes on graphics programming and neural networks to help prepare us for our actual research in the rest of the summer. Things are really intense already!

We've only had two class days so far, and Dr. Qi has already brought us up from (in my case) knowing nothing about graphics programming to writing my own mean filters in Matlab. Even though implementing my own image blurring/sharpening/enhancement algorithms is fun, I will use Matlab's or a professional graphic suite for performance's sake.

My kitchenI got to sleep in late today and munch on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. My walking trip to Walmart two days ago entailed carrying back anything I bought 2 1/2 miles on foot. Today, I discovered the bus. Logan's public transit system is wonderful! The buses are clean, on time, and go everywhere in the city. On top of that, the buses are driven by knowledgable, native English speakers who are not only helpful, but very friendly. I've uploaded some pictures I took from my room. The mountains are right outside my window. There's still snow on the tops of some of them.

I have a room to myself, and have two suitemates. One is in the REU program. I've gotten to know the 3 other non-USU students fairly well so far, and they all seem like great guys. There are 8 of us total.

Time to go to sleep! I'm going to try to get up tomorrow in time for Sunday School at a church I found in the Yellow Pages and located through Google Maps. Sadly, public transit doesn't run on Sundays.

...Back to exploring Logan on foot!


  • Beautifull pics. Hope to see more! Glad you found transportation. Did you make to church?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:53 PM  

  • Hey, I checked out your blog, see? Also, switched over to gmail, everything is working, and I got a cool addy: exact same as all my others ! :-P Hope you read your blog COMMENTS! Enjoy the internship, Boot Camp for me starts on Wed, won't be able to talk/email for at least 2 wks, prolly 3 months. Cool blog, bookmarked it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 PM  

  • Hi Matthew!
    Hope everything is going well for you this week! Sounds like there is alot of new stuff to learn, and it's not all academic!!! Glad the other folks you've met seem nice.
    By the way, about how far are you from Reno, Nevada? Hmm, better go and compose a loooong group email to the PCC-ites! :-) pray'n for ya'!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:27 PM  

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