Matthew's Big Blog of Adventure!

Monday, July 25

The end is near

This weekend, Grandma and I got to spend some quality time together. Among other things, I took her to her hair salon and then to Walmart for some things for kitty. Grandma's bird feeder ran out of seed two weeks ago, but I couldn't find the seed bucket and everyone else was gone. This week, I found the bucket and refilled it after cleaning out the feeder. Grandma and kitty are so happy that the birds are back! Mom filled the hummingbird feeders too, so now the backyard is alive again with red wings of all kinds. :)

Steve and I went through our presentation twice today and it's getting better. We actually deliver it Wednesday afternoon, so there's still time to give it a few more run-throughs.

Since we didn't have a meeting this morning, I took care of some unfinished business with Garden I placed an order way back on June 16, and sent an email at the beginning of July asking what the status of the shipment was, but never got an answer. I called the number on their website, and was pleasantly surprised by a real, live person who was friendly and helpful. She said that probably the order was canceled because the order total was under their minimum without shipping factored in. I'm just glad the order is on its way -- I can't wait to see if dill and garlic chives will grow in a college dorm. ;D

I uploaded Mom's pictures from Nelson's wedding to my Flickr account. It turns out that Flickr will only let you see the last 200 photos you uploaded unless you pay $25 a year for their pro account, so I have no way of accessing all of my old PCC photos. }:( I'm glad Google doesn't play silly games like that with their services. Yahoo (owns Flickr) should take some notes.

After this internship ends Thursday, I need to find the local DNR office to get the hunter safety DVD to get my hunting license for this winter. Much sooner than that, I have a ton of stuff to pack into the Sable! I made the mistake of bringing things from home every week during the internship, so now I'm up to my nostrils in *stuff*.

Fading fast... good night.


  • BRUDDER!!!! (uess who this is :-P) I'll be glad when you're home!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:34 PM  

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