General Counsel's Last Lecture
As the general counsel for our company left, he gave a great speech on what the common attributes of a star are. These notes are valuable to me, so they might be to you too.
- Emotional intelligence
- You need other people to help you
- Ability to know others' needs and fears
- What are people thinking about and feeling and where are they coming from
- Imposter complex - everyone is afraid of being exposed in a group
- You constantly have to communicate to people that they are safe
- Confession of weakness
- Judgment
- Moving an answer around in time and space. How would this decision look in a year? In front of Congress?
- Figuring out what things mean
- Gained by screwing up and remembering the effects of your mistakes
- You must step away from what you do to maintain perspective. Judgmnt requires perspective.
- Sleep a lot. It helps your brain interconnect everything you learned.
- Keep up hobbies, family activities.
- Effective Communication
- All knowledge is wasted that is not communicated to someone else.
- People need to breathe
- make your messages easily digestible
- You need someone who loves you to give you honest feedback in order to improve your public speaking skills.
- Presentations are not the time to be cool; it's distracting
- Don't let your equipment and materials distract from you: you are the show
- Dare to Be Dumb
- Ask the "dumb" questions when no one else will.
- People appreciate it that they didn't have to reveal their own ignorance and need the knowledge
- Building Reputation
- It's built all the time with every encounter with every person you meet
- There's no time off
- There's no difference between the person who empties the trash and the CEO
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By Kate, at 3:43 PM
Wow, awesome notes! I only jotted down the 5 main points in my iPhone. That was a fantastic speech.
By Jeremy, at 3:44 PM
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